The officers and committee members as of January 2008 were as follows:
President: Jesse Terres
1st V.P. , Programs: Phyllis LaBorwit
2nd V.P., Membership: Tamah Sminkey
3rd V.P., Plant Exchange: Joan Walker
4th V.P., Public Relations: Dorothy Bice
Treasurer: Karin Banta
Secretary: Kathy Leavitt
Field Trips: Ellen Brous
Historian: Beatriz Soper
Newsletter: Donald Sminkey
Webmaster: Donald Sminkey
Hospitality: Eleanor & Charles Leshinsky
Sunshine: Harriet Feldman
Garden Tours: Kent Winterson
Membership: In April, the BCGC and 103 families in good standing and 125 total members.
Donation to the Bowie Library: The BCGC received a thank you letter from the Friends of the Bowie Library for the club's $1200 donation to assist with the beautification projects at the library. The money was used to replace a Yoshino cherry tree, geraniums in the seven planters down the center of the parking lot, repair of one of the cement planters.
Scholarship Fund: In February, the club donated $2000 for the scholarship to the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Maryland.
Field Trips:
March 3: Philadelphia Flower Show -- "JAZZ IT UP".
May 31: June 1: Hammond-Harwood House Secret Garden Tour in Annapolis.
October 6: Tour of Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.
20th Annual Plant Sale: The sale was held on April 26th in front of Bowie Library on Route 450, Bowie, MD.
Some New Officers were installed in May 2008.
President Jesse Terres
1st V.P. , Programs: George Cornwall
2nd V.P., Membership: Lynne Snyder
3rd V.P., Plant Exchange Joan Walker
4th V.P., Public Relations: Dorothy Bice
Treasurer: Karin Banta
Secretary: Kathleen Beres
Field Trips: Ellen Brous
Historian: Francisco Román
Newsletter: Donald Sminkey
Webmaster: Donald Sminkey
Hospitality: Eleanor & Charles Leshinsky
Sunshine: Harriet Feldman
Garden Tours: Kent Winterson
Annual Club Picnic: The picnic was held at Highbridge Park, Bowie, MD, on June 7. The outgoing officers were presented nicely designed Certificates of Appreciation that were designed by Kent Winterson. Below is the one presented to Tamah Sminkey the outgoing 2nd V.P. for Membership. The new officers elected were: Programs: George Cornwall; Membership: Lynne Snyder; Secretary: Kathleen Beres; Historian: Francisco Román. There terms begin in June, 2008.
Rich Dodson set up Master Gardener training at St. Matthew's Church in Bowie, MD, twice a week from September 3 and October 29, 2008.
Adopt-A-Highway Program: Cleanups of Route 197 continued during this year. Here are some photos from the cleanup on November 1, 2008.
Open Garden Tours:
Ellen Brous Garden Tour: Ellen’s official garden tour took place on Saturday, June 28.
Faith Bange Garden Tour: Saturday, June 28. The Bange garden contained over 1,100 daylily cultivars and assorted perennials and specimen plantings. The Brous garden contained over 500 daylily cultivars -- Ellen specializes in the beautiful double daylilies, along with other perennial and specimen plantings. Both gardens are Official Display Gardens of the American Hemerocallis Society and visitors are welcome anytime during the growing season by appointment. Call Faith at 410-798-9207 and/or Ellen at 410-798-8872.
Susan/Glenn Piatt Garden Tour: Saturday, June 28.
Phyllis and Lou LaBorwit Garden Tour: Sunday, August 3
Annual Holiday Party: The party this year was held on December 7th at St. Matthew's Methodist Church, Route 450, Bowie, MD. See our Photo page for an album of this party.
The meeting programs for 2008 were:
01/29: Joe Henson, Master Gardener and Brian Clark, PG County Horticulturist spoke on care of houseplants.
02/38: Kathy Jentz, editor of the bi-monthly Washington Gardener Magazine presented the program "Getting Ready for the Growing Season."
03/25: Barbara Hopkins, PG County Master Gardener, discussed composting.
04/29: Beth Chaisson, senior planner in the Bowie Department of Planning and Economic Development, focused on developing backyard habitats in Bowie. She also outlined the requirements for getting certified by the National Wildlife Federation.
05/27: Question and Answer program. Selected BCGC members were the experts.
07/29: Gene Sumi, Educational Coordinator at Homestead Gardens, presented the program, "Planting a Shade Garden."
08/26: Howard Waterworth, retired plant pathologist from the USDA spoke on "Plant Pests and Other Diseases."
09/30: Susan Wallis, a horticulturist at Patuxent Nurseries spoke on "Fall Planting."
10/28: Q & A discussion of garden problems.
11/25: Esther Mitchell, President and Volunteer Coordinator of the PG County Master Gardener program spoke about drought tolerant plants.
The officers and committee members as of January 2009 were as follows:
President: Jesse Terres
1st V.P. , Programs: George Cornwall
2nd V.P., Membership: Lynne Snyder
3rd V.P., Plant Exchange: Joan Walker
4th V.P., Public Relations: Dorothy Bice
Treasurer: Karin Banta
Secretary: Kathleen Beres
Field Trips: Ellen Brous
Historian: Francisco Román
Newsletter: Donald Sminkey
Webmaster: Donald Sminkey
Hospitality: Eleanor & Charles Leshinsky
Sunshine: Barbara Eberstein
Garden Tours: Kent Winterson
Membership: As of January, the club had 35 families and 72 individual members in good standing.
Field Trips:
Philadelphia Flower Show, March 2, 2009
Visit the Photo page of this website to see a nice photo album of the Flower Show.
Bowie-Crofton Garden Club 25th Anniversary -- March 25, 2009. The Club celebrated at the March 31st meeting.
21st Annual Plant Sale, May 2, 2009.
Adopt-A-Highway Program: Linda Snow and Rich Dodson are now organizing the Route 197 Clean up. The first clean up this year was on April 4th.
Annual Club Picnic, June 13:
The officers and committee members installed in June 2009 were as follows:
President: Jesse Terres
1st V.P. , Programs: Neil Potash
2nd V.P., Membership: Lynne Snyder
3rd V.P., Plant Exchange: Joan Walker
4th V.P., Public Relations: Dorothy Bice
Treasurer: Karin Banta
Secretary: Kathleen Beres
Field Trips: Ellen Brous
Historian: Francisco Román
Newsletter: Donald Sminkey
Webmaster: Donald Sminkey
Hospitality: Vacant
Sunshine: Barbara Eberstein
Garden Tours: Kent Winterson
Open Garden Tours:
June 27: Ellen Brous, Beverly Beach, MD.
June 27: Jerry and Faith Bange, Davidsonville, MD
Holiday Party, December 7, 2009:
The speakers for 2009 were:
01/27: Meeting cancelled due to inclement weather.
02/24: Bob Stewart, lecturer for the Maryland Master Gardener program -- "Tree Pruning"
03/31: Gene Sumi, Educational Coordinator at Homestead Gardens, Davidsonville, MD. -- "New Plants for the 2009 Growing Season."
04/28: Hada Flowers, Master Gardener. Her topic was "The Selection, Care & Feeding of House plants."
05/26: PG Master Gardener, May Greta spoke on "Growing and Cooking with Herbs".
06/30: Joe and Nila Henson, Master and Intern Master Gardeners. "Vegetable and Flower Gardening in Containers".
07/28: Question and Answer Session.
08/25: The speaker was Mr. Rakey Hung from Prince George's community college, who spoke on the art of Bonzai.
09/29: Faith Jackson, a Master Gardener, spoke on taking care of potted plants in the fall and winter.
10/27: Matthew Perry, author of "Churchill, Manitoba: Birds, Belugas, and Bears. Matthew is a Marine Scientist at the Patuxent Wildlife Reserve, and has traced the migration of ducks throughout his life.
11/24: Dr. Madison, a Master Gardener and Master Composter, from UMD.
The officers and committee members at the end of 2009 were as follows:
President: Jesse Terres
1st V.P. , Programs: Neil Potash
2nd V.P., Membership: Vacant
3rd V.P., Plant Exchange: Joan Walker
4th V.P., Public Relations: Dorothy Bice
Treasurer: Karin Banta
Secretary: Kathleen Beres
Field Trips: Vacant
Historian: Francisco Román
Newsletter: Donald Sminkey
Webmaster: Donald Sminkey
Hospitality: Barbara Eberstein
Sunshine: Barbara Eberstein
Garden Tours: Kent Winterson
Plant Sale: Gaye Williams