

Membership: The club membership totaled 83.

Outstanding Bowie Senior Citizen: Jessie Smith, a charter member of the BCGC, was awarded Outstanding Bowie Senior Citizen for her untiring efforts over the past 20 years to bring the beauty of plants and trees to Bowie.

Plant Sale: The annual plant sale was held at the Bowie High School / Library parking lot on Route 450 in Bowie on April 25th. The sale was a great success; the club made a profit of about $500.

YMCA Memorial Garden: In May, several members of the club renovated the trampled YMCA Memorial Garden in order to discourage people from walking through the garden.

The new officers and standing committee members for 1992--1993 are:

President (Interim): Harold Moline

1st V.P. , Programs: Carole Kerr

2nd V.P., Membership: Steve Hall

3rd V.P., Plant Exchange and Sale: Charles Bender

4th V.P., Publicity: Evelyn Svoboda

Treasurer: Harriet Feldman

Secretary: Pat Scheirer

Field Trips: John McKenna

Historian / Library: Beverly Landymore

Newsletter: Jonas Bassen

Greenhouse: Charles Bender

Sunshine: Jessie Smith

Social Activities: Frances Moyer

V.P. Special Projects: Kent Winterson

Picnic: The 5th annual club picnic was held on August 22nd at Pat Scheirer's home adjoining Whitemarsh Park in Bowie.

Bowie Public Library: On October 17th, club members planted trees and shrubs on the east side of the Bowie Public Library. This planting was in memory of Virginia Pitts, one of Bowie's master gardeners who died on March 28th. She was also a member of the Bowie Library Book Discussion Group. Several friends of Virginia donated $250 to the club, and that money was used to purchase supplies for the project.

Fox Greenhouse: On October 31st, several member participated in a cleanup and repair of the Fox greenhouse that is being used by the club.

Holiday Party: The annual club holiday party was held on December 19th at the Grace Lutheran Church in Bowie. Harold Moline, Frances Moyer and Carole Kerr made the arrangements. In the top picture are Steve Hall, Harold Moline, and Harriet Feldman. The bottom picture shows Santa's Helpers, Lisa and Pamela Moyer.

The speakers for this year were:

    • 1/28: Howard W. Kerr, Jr., U.S. Department of Agriculture's Director of the Office of Small-Scale Agriculture -- "Small-Scale Agriculture in the 1990's"

    • 2/25: Loren Krusberg, Ph.D., Nematologist at Univ. of MD's Botany Department -- "Neamatodes: Unseen Friends and Foes of the Garden"

    • 3/31: Roger Talbot, Assistant Curator at the National Arboretum's Herb Garden -- "Herbs: Varied Uses and Propagations"

    • 4/25: Charles Hanners, Honorary Member of the BCGC -- "Selection, Planting and Care of Azaleas"

    • 5/26: Don Cober, MD State Highway Department Landscaping Division -- "Using and Growing Wildflowers"

    • 6/30: Harold Moline, Ph.D., Plant Pathologist of the Beltsville Research Center, USDA -- "Invisible Garden Pests"

    • 7/28: Robert De Feo, Regional Chief Horticulturist, National Park Service -- "Planting and Care of Trees in an Urban Environment"

    • 9/29: Scott Bally, Past President, Daffodil Society of Washington -- "Daffodils, Harbinger of Spring"

    • 10/27: Al Piringer, Ph.D. -- "Flowers in the Mailbox"

    • 11/24: Edith Thompson, MD Department of Natural Resources -- "Gardening with Wildlife"


Club Library: The club library is starting to take shape with donations of video tapes and books. Jonas Bassen is holding the items until a club librarian takes over t

his task.

Membership Cards: Members holding a valid membership card from the BCGC obtained a 10% discount on all garden supplies at Hardware City in Bowie.

Arbor Day Project at Acorn Hill Park: This project took place on April 24th. A large number of volunteers, including several club members, helped plant 324 azaleas at the park. On the right are Evelyn Svoboda and Donna Hayward from the BCGC.

Garden Tour: On April 25th, twelve members visited Azalea Trace, Charles Hanner's azalea gardens in Calvert County, MD.

Plant Sale: The annual plant sale was held on May 1st at the Bowie Public Library parking lot. The club raised $1000 for the City Beautification Project Fund.

Membership: The club membership reached 93 in May.

The new President was Kent Winterson, and the V.P. of Publicity is now Sherry Glass.

    • President: Kent Winterson

    • 1st V.P. , Programs: Carole Kerr

    • 2nd V.P., Membership: Steve Hall

    • 3rd V.P., Plant Exchange and Sale: Charles Bender

    • 4th V.P., Publicity: Sherry Glass

    • Treasurer: Harriet Feldman

    • Secretary: Pat Scheirer

    • Field Trips: John McKenna

    • Historian / Library: Beverly Landymore

    • Newsletter: Jonas Bassen

    • Greenhouse: Charles Bender

    • Sunshine: Jessie Smith

    • Social Activities: Frances Moyer

    • V.P. Special Projects: Kent Winterson

    • Bowie City Hall Landscaping: Several members led by Jessie Smith planted many flowers in a newly landscaped area at the Bowie City Hall. The plants were a gift from the BCGC.

    • Picnic: The 6th annual garden club picnic was held on June 26th at Pat Scheirer's home. Seventy members attended.

    • Holiday Party: The annual holiday party was held on December 12 at the St. Matthew's United Methodist Church on Route 450 in Bowie. Shown E. & B. Henriksen, Eleanor Leshinsky and Frances Moyer in the background.

    • Field Trip Committee: Marion Wise joined John McKenna as co-chair of the Field Trip committee.

    • Destruction of Bowie YMCA Memorial Garden: In December, club members were very upset that the new director of the Bowie YMCA destroyed the Memorial Garden. This garden, dedicated in 1989 to the memory of a principal of the old Meadowbrook Elementary School. This was the BCGC's first community service project and was the result of hundreds of hours of work by dedicated club members, who also contributed many plants and shrubs to the project.

    • The speakers for 1993 were:

      • 1/26: Jeff Ball -- "How to Grow and Nurture Seedlings"

      • 2/23: Mark Roh, Ph.D. -- "New Flowers for our Gardens from Around the World"

      • 3/30: Audrey Whitney, Horticulturist -- "The Art of Pruning"

      • 4/27: Charles Hanners -- "All You Want to Know About Azaleas"

      • 5/25: Joyce Pelletier, Landscape Architect -- "Where Shall I Put That Plant?"

      • 7/27: Robert J. Griesback, Ph.D., Geneticist, USDA -- "Daylilies"

      • 8/31: Scott Redlin, Plant Pathologist, USDA -- "Macro Fungi of Suburbia or Mushrooms by the Yard"

      • 9/28: Terry Galloway, Coordinator of State of Maryland's Tree-Mendous Program -- "Why Are Trees Important to Us?"

      • 10/26: Peter H. Mazzeo, Botanist and Curator of the Herbarium at the U.S. National Arboretum -- "Wild Flowers Through the Seasons"

      • 11/30: Erik A. Neumann, Director Educational Programs, National Arboretum -- "Flowering Shrubs"